रामाधीन सिंह मार्केट, फैजाबाद रोड, निकट आई. टी. चौराहा, लखनऊ View more

लाइकेन प्लानस

Lichen Planus -

Lichen planus is a chronic recurrent rash due to inflammation and characterized by small, flat-topped, many-sided (polygonal) bumps that grow together into rough, scaly plaques over the skin. Rashes may also be seen on mucous membranes of the mouth or vagina.

Lichen planus lesions exhibit a range of pigmentary dyschromia, from brown-blackish to blue or purple-grey macules or patches.

Ayurvedic View Of Lichen Planus -

In Ayurveda all skin diseases are collectively described as kushta roga in. Due to its resemblance in signs and symptoms, Lichen planus can be correlated with charma kushtha, which has aggravation of vata, pitta and kapha dosha. The vitiated dosha affects the skin and blood circulation and it also affects the moisture level of the tissues and eventually skin becomes discoloured, rough and thick.


Causes -

  • The long-term use of the quinidine drugs used in the treatment for malaria.
  • Exposure to chemicals used to develop color photographs also triggers rashes.
  • Lichen eruptions can occur in people who have received bone marrow transplants
  • Drugs which contain Arsenic, bismuth and gold, can trigger signs and symptoms of lichen planus.
  • Some microscopic organisms or worms may produce hypertrophic lichen planus of the lower limbs
  • The exact cause of lichen planus is still unknown. But the maximum number of patients with extensive lichen planus is more likely to have a Hepatitis C virus infection of the liver; though it is unclear that virus is the cause of lichen planus.