रामाधीन सिंह मार्केट, फैजाबाद रोड, निकट आई. टी. चौराहा, लखनऊ View more


Liver Cancer

Cancer is a disease which requires close observation and monitoring. It cannot be treated like any other ailment in the body. In modern science diagnosis lengthy and costly Some times treatment is more painful than the disease, in modern science. Side effects of treatment are one more constraints, in modern science. Lack of tuning between modern and alternative therapies.

A comprehensive and multi-dimensional approach is the need of the hour. All therapies should be applied at a time on the patient to combat cancer. In ancient times the rishis of vedic discipline have given many methods of treatment which are very similar to modern cancer treatment methods, and also Ayurvedic treatments are without side effects that are widely experienced and feared in allopathic science.
