रामाधीन सिंह मार्केट, फैजाबाद रोड, निकट आई. टी. चौराहा, लखनऊ View more

Structure and Function

Structure and Function

Skin is the largest organ of the body which provides aprotective cover to the internal organs. The surface of skinmeasures 1.62 sq.metres in an average adult male and 1.43sqmetres in an average adult female. Although the mostsuperficial layer of skin is made up of dead cells, ratherthan being a dead covering for the body,

it has severalinbuilt mechanisms for interacting with the environmentSkin consists of three main layers, the outer-most epidermis, the deeper dermis and the deepest subcutaneous tissueIn addition, the skin has two appendages namely the hairand the nails, and three glands namely the sweat glands,the sebaceous glands and the apocrine glands.
